On August 11, 2014 our family welcomed our new little dog, Pepe! He was my grandmother’s beloved pet and after she passed away a few weeks ago, we were honored to inherit him. Pepe is a Bichon Frise who was found on the side of the road a number of years ago. We think he is 10-12 years old. My husband flew to Houston TX and back the very next day to bring Pepe home. My girls had NO idea he was coming. We wanted it to be a big surprise… and it was! They started laughing and squealing with delight. After a few minutes Grace said, “Do we get to keep him?” My husband quickly stated that he "just flew all the way to TX and back so yes, we are definitely keeping him."
My husband had a few dogs growing up but I never grew up with a dog or any pets, for that matter. I did have a bird for a year or so, but I’m not sure that counts. Let’s just say I’m not a big fan of pets in general. We bought a puppy a few years ago and it ended up being a terrible experience so we gave him back to the breeder. My girls have been begging us for a dog for years since then but we just weren’t ready. However, when this particular circumstance arose, we knew it would be a tremendous blessing to our kids and we think my grandmother, Meg, would be thrilled as well. Since we’ve been saying no for so long, you can see why my kids were so surprised! We are sincerely enjoying him. He has not barked once since he’s been here! He’s obedient and happy to play or sleep. Pepe has only been with us a few days but so far he’s been a joy!