Since today
is Earth Day I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to introduce myself and post my praise about how
GREEN Amy Adele strives to be. My name is Whitney and I am the Customer Care Manager at Amy Adele. You've probably heard the phrase, "Earth Day is Everyday." It certainly rings true here. Coming from a 5-year-stint at an environmental non-profit, being green runs through my veins. Upon coming on board here I was so totally (and pleasantly) surprised that a stationery company takes such great efforts at reducing waste. Here are a couple of ways that Amy Adele makes Earth Day everyday at our headquarters:
Every paper product on AmyAdele.com is printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper! The paper is: Acid free & processed chlorine free, made with 100% certified renewable energy, and procured through responsible use of forest resources. According to the EIA, making a ton of paper from recycled stock saves up to 17 trees and uses 50 percent less water!
Our packaging peanuts are made with cornstarch. They're bio-degradable and FDA approved. We have actually had customers write us and tell us how much fun they (and their children too) had "playing" with the peanuts and running water-they totally dissolve before your very eyes. Coooool.
So you see, while we suspect that Amy's cute designs attract you to our products, we hope that your order from Amy Adele will also make you feel great about saving natural resources!

I am happy to say that I am the newest staff member here, joining the team this past January. If you have called or e-mailed our office, chances are that I was the friendly voice on the other end. As a mother of an 11-month-old baby girl and a 7-year-old step-daughter, I enjoy seeing all of the creative ideas that come across our printers day-to-day. Just the other day I "borrowed" some simply cute phrasing from one of our orders for my baby's first birthday party invitations. (Thanks!) Some of my favorite designs of Amy's are:
Girl with Bubbles,
Yellow Bird,
Pirate's Treasure and
Up in Space. Thanks for stopping by our blog. I look forward to e-mailing or talking with you soon!! (Be sure to visit
http://earthday.net/search/location to find Earth Day events and activities happening in your area today or throughout the week.)