The holidays are quickly approaching, and now is the time to start planning. Here are some holiday party ideas that you and your kids will always remember:
Bake up some Fun Well, the kids will be the ones doing the baking. Choose simple recipes and help children bake a nice selection of holiday cookies to give away. Package them up in pretty containers and tie them with a bow. You can even have special labels made up to make these gifts feel even more customized. Take the children to make their deliveries and make someone’s day.
Christmas Carol Party Gather your kids and their friends and take them to a local nursing home or hospital (call in advance to arrange it). Have the children wear customized T-shirts for the occasion. Not only will your group look more uniform, but the kids will also have a nice keepsake by which to remember the occasion. Pass out fruit or candy while singing. You can expand on holiday party ideas like this one by finding other ways to bring joy to those who may otherwise be alone.
Shop 'til you drop In many areas, there are programs to help make sure less fortunate children also enjoy the holidays. Take the kids on a shopping trip to pick out presents for an angel tree, or Toys for Tots, or whatever program is available in your area. Go back to the party and wrap the gifts if they are supposed to be wrapped (some organizations prefer unwrapped). Either way, you can add a calling card, and have kids fill in a nice message, so the gifts feel even more personal and special.
*While these holiday party ideas center on doing things for other people, there’s no reason they can’t also be fun experiences for the children you invite. After the "work" is done, have some goodies, play some music and some games, and talk about how rewarding it is to make sure the holidays are fun for everyone. Happy Holidays!