Nursery Design Secrets Every New Mom Needs to Know


First time parents are, for lack of a better term, frazzled. You run around like a headless chicken trying to accomplish everything that needs to be done before the little bundle of joy arrives. Being a parent is definitely hard work, but very rewarding. Ed Young, Fellowship Church pastor and author, has four children with his wife Lisa and they've had their share of ups and downs. His book "The 10 Commandments of Parenting: The Do's and Don'ts for Raising Great Kids" is great for first time parents. It reads like a parenting manual, offering tips and advice he's picked up over the years. To help with the stress, here are some must have's:

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Babies can't handle too much stimulation right away, so don't stress if you didn't have time to hang pictures or butterflies and flowers from the ceiling. Focusing on one thing at a time is good enough for the baby. If there is a fan in the room, it is probably the only thing the baby will be looking at.

Take it Easy on the Colors

According to HGTV, newborns can only register the colors black, white and gray. But as their sight develops, the first color they recognize is red. Try not to over stimulate them, though. Red in a nursery can create confusion when it's the only color they see. Try incorporating softer tones like blues, yellows, greens and pinks. You can mix and match different colors together, focusing on a main color for the blinds. For a girls room, pink or green blinds would look great.

Choose a Baby Changing Table With LOTS of Storage

Newborns go through a lot of diapers. I mean, a lot. Having a changing table with a lot of storage will allow you to have a few packs of diapers, wipes and a handful of towels handy and ready to be used at any moment. To make the process easier, try keeping diapers opened and stacked in a basket or drawer.

Storage Racks and Wire Baskets

Social sites like Pinterest showcase DIY nursery rooms, where parents have made their own storage shelving. It's as easy as drilling a wire basket into the wall for a make-shift library or using a hanging shoe rack or a jewelry organizer for extra toys, blankets, lotions, powders or hair accessories.

Place a Day Bed in the Room

As nontraditional as it is, placing a day bed might be a good idea for first time moms who are getting up every two to three hours to feed or change the baby. It can be a great escape and prevent disturbing your sleeping beau. So, if you have the space, putting in a day bed might be a good idea. It can also become a toddler bed when your little one gets older. All you need is a railing to prevent him or her from rolling onto the floor during the middle of the night.

Your New Best Friend: The Rocker

You will quickly learn the importance of a rocking chair. It will soothe both you and your baby in the middle of the night during feeding times. Chairs can vary from a large arm chair to a vintage wooden rocker — whatever you're most comfortable with. If you don't have time or money to get everything for the nursery, stick to the basics. All you really need in your nursery is a crib, changing table with storage for diapers, wipes and ointment, a rocking chair, lamp, bedding, waste basket — or Diaper Genie — and storage for the clothes. For more guidance in parenting, pick up Pastor Young's book "The 10 Commandments of Parenting: The Do's and Don'ts for Raising Great Kids" on Amazon.
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