With fall and winter quickly approaching, it is the perfect time to teach your kids how to roast marshmallows. While many people consider summer to be the best time to roast marshmallows, depending on where you live it could be too hot to roast marshmallows during the summer. The chilly months that are quickly coming is the best time to roast marshmallows since being around a fire will keep you warm, and because roasting marshmallows is a fun activity for all ages that can help to relieve boredom when the weather turns bad. However, if you have never roasted marshmallows with your kids, or if you have never roasted marshmallows yourself, you may be wondering how to roast marshmallows. Here are the basics of what you need to know to get started roasting marshmallows.
Buying the Marshmallows
While purchasing marshmallows may seem like the simple part of the process, it is key that you purchase the right ones. While name brand marshmallows may be more expensive than the store brand, you will be glad you spent the extra money. Store brand marshmallows do not taste as good as their name brand counterparts, and they are more likely to melt than they are to roast when you put them over the fire.
Building Your Fire
Preparing the proper fire is an important step to take before you start roasting marshmallows. You do not want to roast marshmallows on a fire that has just started, as the flames will be too big and erratic, which will be more likely to torch your marshmallows than roast them. Build your fire to a decent size, and keep it going for 30 minutes to an hour before you try roasting marshmallows on it so that you will have an evenly hot fire to cook them on. Also, it is important to note that you do not have to have a real fire or even an outdoor space to roast marshmallows. You can just as easily roast marshmallows on a gas fireplace or stove if you do not have the ability in your home to make a wooden fire. Simply turn the gas on to a medium heat level and you will be good to start roasting marshmallows without having to wait.
Roasting The Marshmallows
While roasting marshmallows can be a fun activity for the whole family, it is important to remember to follow certain safety guides when letting your children roast their own marshmallows. Firstly, it is best if you purchase long or extendable roasting sticks that have a heat resistant handle. Traditionally people have roasted marshmallows on metal coat hangers; however, this is not very safe for children. This is because metal coat hangers are not very long, thus children may burn their hands when they get that close to the fire. Now you are ready to start roasting marshmallows. Simply put a marshmallow on each child’s roasting stick and let them roast it. There is no real method to roasting marshmallows. It is best to simply let them try roasting their marshmallow. They will eventually discover how they like them roasted, whether that be lightly golden or completely burnt. Just make sure to purchase enough marshmallows in case they want to try making them several different ways. Roasting marshmallows is a great family activity that is perfectly safe as long as it is done under adult supervision. You will soon find that roasting marshmallows, whether indoors or outdoors, will soon because your favorite cold weather activity.