April showers bring May flowers, or so they say. Every mother of busy toddlers also knows that a rainy day can bring plenty of opportunities for indoor play and crafting. Here are a few rainy day activities for toddlers.
Bathtub Finger Painting Finger painting in your bathtub minimizes messiness and can ease the pain of not playing outside in the rain. Sure, there's nothing wrong with jumping in puddles every now and then, but for easy clean-up and guaranteed enthusiasm, this activity is a winner. Prepare some card stock ahead of time and have your child decorate one side of each page. Lie them on the counter in the bathroom to dry and when they're done you'll be able to cut them into quarters for homemade post-cards or fold them into thank-you cards or even party invitations.
Living Room Forts Building forts is great fun for toddlers. It won't be long before budding architects use all of your linens to make an extravagant tent. For toddlers, it might just mean throwing a sheet over the dining room table. Small children can spend all day bringing things in and out of their special space. Be prepared to be invited in for a tea party. Playing in the rain can be a blast, but sometimes it's quite the hassle. Next time, try changing things up with some of these indoor adventures!