Corban in Bubbles!
Hello everyone! I thought I should get my head out of mommy-world for a moment and write my first blog post. Though I'm not sure I can write about anything other than my mommy-world right now.
But first let me give a big shout out and say "Thanks!" to all those who wrote in with their thoughts and prayers for me and my family. I was overwhelmed by all the comments posted... thank you so very much. We felt every one of your prayers and I know Corban has been doing so well because of them all.
Corban has been home for 1 1/2 months now and is growing like a weed. He is over 7 lbs and is gaining weight at a faster than average rate. The doctor said "Whoa!" when he saw how much Corban had gained in just one week. He is acting like a typical newborn would... sleep, eat, poop, and more sleep. And grunting. Why do newborns grunt so much? It is so funny to listen to... unless it's 2 am. Then it's not quite as funny.
Corban isn't the only child who surprises me. My 10 year old daughter, Emily loves the
bulletin board design, and we printed up some stationery for her. When I got home from the hospital she wrote this amazing note to me (she's quite expressive in her writings) and I set it on my dresser.
As I've been walking past it every day I noticed the little orange butterfly in the design. The little bug turned out pretty good so I've been thinking about making it into it's own design. I've created two different layouts and I can't decide which one I like best.
So I was wondering if you all could take a look and let me know which you like best! Check them out below. Both my girls like the polka dots version best... what do you think?

Please tell us in the comments box below which design you like best!